Sunshine Abroad: Evaluating Global Regulations & Transparency Trends

August 21, 2013

On August 21, 2013 and September 10, 2013, we discussed international legislation and codes and the global transparency trends affecting the life sciences industry outside of the United States.  Among other topics, we reviewed the following: 

  • France's Sunshine Act and implementing decree
  • EFPIA's disclosure codes
  • United Kingdom transparency requirements
  • Netherlands' experience with financial transparency
  • Japan's financial transparency system
  • Industry code revisions and legislative developments in Australia

Some positive feedback received on the presentations: 

"... your overview was comprehensive and informative - and you still somehow managed to find a way to keep it light. Kudos on one of the best webinars I've watched in quite a while."

"This was one of the best webinars I have ever attended.  Full of relevant content and well conveyed."

To watch the webinar, please click the video below:

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that laws are constantly changing and the content of materials on this website may not reflect their current status.

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